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It doesn’t matter how old your child is. The British Magic Castle programme is prepared for any child age – from 0 to 16 years old.
An important period of growing up for every child is attending kindergarten.
Choosing Magic Castle, the child receives a professional British education and high-quality preparation for a Russian school. The learning process is divided into several stages, and you can join at any age:
✅Mini Club / Pre-Nursery (1-2 years old):
Children learn to talk about everyday objects and events, develop gross and fine motor skills. Our goal is to increase the independence of the child, develop social skills and knowledge about the world.
✅Nursery (3 years old):
Study of numbers, shapes and logic tasks. The beginning of the reading programme. By the end of the year, children will be able to read short words and write their names.
✅Reception (4 years old):
Children will learn to write and read in Russian and English. They will easily make friends and learn to manage their emotions, try themselves in various sections and even take part in the first competitions.
✅Year 1 (5 years old):
Studying different forms and styles of writing, as well as deepening their knowledge. The programme includes 5 reading levels and an in-depth study of the math programme. More significant growth in additional education and participation in ambitious competitions.
✅Year 2 (6 years old):
A more advanced level of mathematics involving multiplication and division. Developing creative writing skills and expressing children’s thoughts more confidently. Developed confidence and independence help children adapt when they move to grade 1 in a Russian school.