Creativity for children opens the doors to self-expression! Young artists learn how to use different techniques and discover main art history milestones. They will be able to unleash their own creativity. Classes include academic art as well as modern one. Groups are open for children from 2 till 14 years old. Creativity and fun from the first lesson!
What is this class about?

Classes are held 1-2 times a week in the afternoon, the duration of the class session is 30-60 minutes.
Groups up to 12 children.
30 min class – 1500 rur
60 min class – 2000 rur


Irina Petrova
Academy of Architecture and Art South Federal University
Ms. Irina is an experienced teacher, who has been working with kids for more than 5 years. On top of art classes, design and sculpture, Ms. Irina teaches art therapy classes and won the Governor’s prize for Notable Contribution to the Art and Culture of the Rostov region. She is also a member of the Russian Artists Union.
«It’s important for me not just to teach kids to draw but open up their creative potential and show how to express their ideas by art means”.

Sofia Stepanova
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Miss Sofia is proficient in different art technics from drawing to applied art. Her experience of working with kids is more than 5 years.

Talanted children and their parents talk about us