Each trip from the Magic Castle is educational, recreational, and inherently unique. Whether it is a visit to a museum or library, any excursion becomes a bright, memorable event for little students. After all, it brings different emotions and experiences to the usual daily routine, giving the children new knowledge and impressions.
master classes
scientific and natural
science museums and exhibitions
and unusual
MAGIC CASTLE English kindergarten prides itself on its varied travel and excursion program. This is a great opportunity for our children to see the world and explore it together with friends, solving riddles and completing tasks that accompany them on the route. This year MAGIC CASTLE has prepared a new travel program for special places such as a bakery or a library. We are sure our children will always be interested!

We love nature. All MAGIC CASTLE kindergartens are located next to green parks. Therefore, we use these natural complexes for picnics and sports events. We love to go to Moscow botanical gardens, greenhouses, aquariums and zoos. This gives us the opportunity to get to know nature better.
We love to visit museums, galleries and exhibitions. Art, zoological and scientific museums, exhibitions of contemporary art and sculpture, architectural masterpieces of Moscow – we are happy to visit all these interesting places!

Choose your MAGIC CASTLE
Our Teachers – Native Speakers

We are proud to come to work every day and understand that we are making a contribution to the future. Our students will become influential people – leaders in business, finance, science, art and music. Other people will respect and adopt their values in life: environmental and cultural awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as tolerance, creativity, and the belief that nothing is impossible in life. We believe that a pure, tenacious and receptive child’s mind can be “saturated” with the most important life values, stimulated to academic growth and knowledge of the world around.